03 | NEUN
03 | NEUN
Serigraphy on Japanese paper Tenguscho 10g/m2
PF: 96x64cm
Edition: 3
The cycle NEUN (eng. Nine) tells an intimate story. There is a girl seen from a perspective of a distant spectator. She is simply dressed, as if she was at home. The linear, simple drawing portrays the girl in different poses. The choice of screen painting on a transparent Japanese paper indicates the spectator the incorporeality of the presented girl. There are six poses, two of which present the girl taking off her sock. This process depicts here for a meaningful decision whereas the delicate, defenseless girl depicts a human being, very vulnerable in its primary form. Not only do we dress ourselves on the outside but we also wear kind of a “dress” inside. It protects us from fear and insecurity but it also limits our ability to feel our own substance. In order to regain this ability we have to get internally undressed again.
Two color screen printing on Japanese paper Tenguscho 10g/m2.