110612 | APLA
110612 | APLA
Serigraphy on paper
PF: 35x35cm
BF: 30x30cm
Edition: 5
EN | APLA stands for A (Austria) – PL (Poland) – A (Austria). It is a graphically presented meditative story of a journey, of a perspective and of unlimited space. Their colors are acting simultaneously. They are applied on one another and form points or lines. The close-up of the pure abstraction of its contents is only visible from a distance.
The starting point for the series was a collection of 2500 photographs taken from the Vienna-Warsaw-Vienna train within 3 years during all seasons at different times of day and night. Firstly, all those photos were separated, divided into colors and converted into surfaces and points, then they were put together again, gaining new color awareness and new structure .
Five color screen printing on 300g paper.