LACS_10_RH | L.A. Core Shadow
Serigraphy on paper
PF: 234x56cm
Edition: 5
The L.A. Core Shadow series was created in Los Angeles in the beginning of 2013. In the first place the artist spread a sheet of ordinary, white paper and using a marker only, she copied the shadows made by objects of a sun flooded city: cars, bikes, tables. Drawings, dirty with soil, shoes’ footprints and pieces of tape have become genuine parts of street art. They have been copied on big screens and captured by the artist as pure, monochromatic, plain screen printings.
Shadows are specific marks of objects whereas screen printing copies are marks of their reflection. The works depict an interesting play of positive and negative, the shadows reveal places too far to be reached by light, which are at the same time shaped by the object obscuring the sun. However, the shadows do not remain true to the object; they take forms so different that they start to lead their own life and they interpret the original object in their very particular way. Peperski has converted her “documentation” of shadows into the color. Graphics printed on a 300 gsm wove paper are saturated with intense colors - yellow, green, orange, navy blue - and form a contrast to the whiteness of the paper, at the same time giving strength to the copied forms.